Sean is a successful financial planner. Over the years he developed a book of business that consisted primarily of group health insurance. His clients were small and medium-size companies. After the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (“Obama Care”) became law he determined the time required to keep up with all the changes would hurt his financial planning business.

The Problem
This would require Sean to work hard keeping his clients informed, giving the best possible advice, helping explain the ever new compliance obligations placed on employers, on top of spending the time required to service his health insurance clients throughout the year at annual renewal and open enrollment.
Sean felt this would take away from his ability to function effectively as a financial planner. He needed a solution that would allow him to stay in control while helping him to manage the load.
The Solution
Meeting his needs
Sean contacted us looking for a way to keep his clients without the investment in time he foresaw would be required to keep his insurance business. We took over servicing his agency in return for a split of commissions. Now he refers all health insurance to us. We do all the work.
Now Sean can spend 100% of his time as a financial planner. He spends no time worrying about servicing the clients. He cashes his commission checks every month, paid directly to him by each insurer. For Sean, this is perfect.