Put your clients in good hands
Rest assured knowing your clients are well taken care of. While you’re enjoying retirement, the Retire with Renewals team will manage and service your accounts for you.

Do the math
Sell your book or retire with renewals?
Not that long ago, a book of business would earn two and a half years of commissions in a buy-out. Today, that number is down to just one year or one-and-a-half years of commissions. So, if you sell a $100,000 book of business outright, you’ll get about $150,000.
However, if you worked with Retire With Renewals you would receive more.
For example, if you worked with us on your $100,000 book, receiving a 50% commission split, you would receive $50,000 per year for life. In five years, you would have received $250,000. Additionally, if there are any increases in renewal commissions or if we have added any new lines of business for your clients, you would have received those commission increases as well.
Which would you prefer??
Retiring with renewals is as easy as 1-2-3!
Transition your clients to Retire with Renewals
To ensure a smooth transition, you’ll personally introduce us to your clients and discuss special needs any may have. After the transition, you will have the choice:
- Be as involved in the business as you want. It's in our agreement.
- Suit your lifestyle: choose full retirement or semi-retirement.
- Enjoy our fail-safe guarantee: if you change your mind, we'll sign your book back over to you.
Enjoy your retirement while we service your accounts
The Retire with Renewals team will service, manage, and retain your book of business. Our ongoing services include:
- Annual plan analysis and renewal
- Annual enrollment process
- Quarterly follow up
- Daily paperwork processing
- Daily handling of claims issues and questions
- Ongoing education and communication
- Assistance with COBRA administration
- Assistance setting up Section 125 FSAs
Receive up to 50% commissions on your accounts
Month after month, you'll receive renewal commission checks from all retained business in your book. If we place additional lines with your accounts, you could receive up to 50% of these commissions, as well.
If something should happen to you, your Retire with Renewals agreement will act as an additional “life insurance policy” for your spouse or heirs, and commissions will be redirected as indicated in the agreement.